Tuesday, 21 February 2017

How To Speed Up Google Chrome

How To Speed Up Google Chrome :-

Hello, and welcome everyone to Discovering some thing new in today’s scenario we are going to discuss on “How To Speed Up Google Chrome”. Google Chrome is the Official Web Browser of the Tech Giant Google. A fast, secure, and free web browser built for the modern web. It is also one of the most used web browsers in the world. The best thing about Chrome is it is having real clean & minimal environment which helps all to browse easier, safer & faster.

Let’s Get Started…..
Step 1: Open Google Chrome and in the URL part write chrome://flags and hit enter, I hope you have landed on the same page as shown below. 

Step 2: Now Press Ctrl+F and search For Number of raster threads and Change The Value from Default to 4. 

Step 3: Again Press Ctrl+F and search for Fast Tab/Window Close and then Click on Enable Button.

                  Step 4: Press Ctrl+F and search for Override Software Rendering list and then Click on Enable Button.

Step 5: Press Ctrl+F and search for Smooth Scrolling, Change it from Default to Enable.

Note: The Settings that we had discussed above are experimental features, you can revert back to default settings by clicking on Reset All To Default Button.

Step 6: Go to URL part and write chrome://settings/ and then Click on Show Advanced Setting then in Privacy, enable

1. Use a web service to help resolve navigational errors.
2. Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URL’s typed in address bar.
